Originally Posted by Ohio
I want to examine Paul's teaching in light of your established God theology, vis-a-vis "One God in 3 Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
Here's the problem with your examination of Paul's teaching. If you make it over-ride Jesus' position, then you have your examination that you wish. But for every gospel verse that seems to go along with your "modalist Paul", there are 20 or 30 that don't, where Jesus clearly shows (or at least strongly infers) separation and distinction between the Divine Persons. So you have to seize the "modalist Paul" from his epistles and then go to the gospels and say, "Jesus can't have meant what he seems to be saying because that would violate the "modalist Paul" [interpretation]." I go the other way round. Paul should always match up with Jesus' position. If you can't match Paul with Jesus, then you have to re-interpret Paul.
And John is another case entirely. Clearly John didn't read much into Paul's epistles, in his 'Revelation'! So what do we do? Ignore it? Or force "modalist Paul" onto the Revelation? "Seven spirits can't be seven spirits - we know there can only be one! Paul said so! Etc." Not very convincing, unless you're already convinced.