Thread: Modalism
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Old 06-09-2020, 04:16 PM   #93
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Default Re: Modalism

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
So you want to compare and contract the greatest Christian theologian in history with Witness Lee? You must be joking, right? The teachings of the apostle Paul and the other NT writers are the standard, and all others are to be compared and contrasted against their writings, not the other way around. Lee's teachings have been compared and contrasted with the teachings of the scripture writing apostles and have been found wanting big time, to say the least. -
Not at all, UntoHim. I want to examine Paul's teaching in light of your established God theology, vis-a-vis "One God in 3 Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." If "the teachings of the apostle Paul and the other NT writers are the standard," as you say, why do you keep bringing up how WL deviates from this historic view. I see problems between this historic view and the Bible.

Which one should I discard? That's what Raptor and I have asked. Is that too hard to understand?

At this point I am only demanding that the Bible be used as the standard to "test all things, holding on to the good," (I Thess 5.21) like the noble Bereans, "who examined the scriptures daily to see if these things were so." (Acts 17.11)

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Ok, so you don't want to judge Witness Lee's teachings against those taught by orthodox Christians for about 2,000 years? What standard do you want to use? If you say you want to judge them against the Bible, that's fine, but you are then left to claim that everybody else got it wrong for all these centuries and he's the only one that got it right. How convenient. How improbable.
Martin Luther and so many other Reformers returned to the Scriptures because what was taught by "orthodox Christians" with their diverse creeds was not reliable. I take a similar view. Perhaps you don't. I continually get the impression that you place established church teachings above the actual text of scripture.

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Well, I must tell you that in my view there is NO CONTEXT in which these words could be applied and not be considered as some form of modalism. Again, we're getting into the matter of being theologically accurate and precise.

What does any of this have anything to do with modalism?

This has everything to do with modalism. The standard used to compare WL teachings against is not the scripture but the historic "orthodox" teachings of God. Did not Jesus Himself confront this same challenge on earth? The scribes and Pharisees all condemned Jesus based on their interpretation of God's word. Their traditions were all based on their interpretations. They then condemned Jesus thinking they were using the law of Moses.
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