Re: Responsibility Of Christians In Responding To Aberrant/Abusive Groups
Wow! This is crazy. So out of character from your thoughtful posts in the past.
Taking cue from our toxic society, just tag them with the absolute worst smear you can dream up. Like screaming "racist" in a mob of angry protesters.
In the O.T. the worst label was "leper," then in the N.T. it was "heretic," but now we have moved into a new millennia labeling others "malignant narcissists." Not addressing one specific leader for some unrighteous behavior, but a broad brush characterization upon all LC opponents. Shall we do the same with the Exclusives, the Amish, and so many others? Do not they also practice their religion the same way?
I am not justifying any LC behavior, but you seem to have lost sight of Jesus' command to "love your enemy."
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!