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Old 06-07-2020, 02:23 PM   #238
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: YouTube Channel Discusses the Local Church

Originally Posted by Curious View Post
Ahhh, I see, I finally get it. When the LC quarantines a person, they are actually quarantining, or shunning, THEMSELVES from that person. Not the obvious way around!
Its like a computer game. You go in, achieve the level... gather the items or achieve the goals, in this case, gain the wisdom, see through the cracks and the deceptions, then, the system itself kicks you out once it realises you've passed the level. Even if you've put down roots there and would like to stay. No. You've got the next level of learning that God has predestined for your life and you have to move on. The LC itself identifies this, (in their own, twisted way), just like a computer game and you can't go backwards or atrophy.

Also, like Joseph got moved on 3 times in his life: from a son to a slave, from a slave to a prisoner, from a prisoner to a President (or ancient-world equivalent). Each time without warning, each time a total seperation from the life he had, each time with a new set of lessons to learn in preperation for the end goal. And also, each time brutal and abrupt without warning, and the first two times, through malignant intentions of the one's causing it. He got spat out of one normality and onto the next.

We just need to ask God for the strength to survive it all and the wisdom to keep gaining from it what He has set before us. And the ability to remain in God anf His love, and keep free from bitterness, through the hardships.
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