Originally Posted by Ohio
I understand your point about an obedient proxy, but it can introduce serious error. We had some posters here who tried to persuade us into believing that Jesus only became the Son of God after His baptism. Many others like the JW believe that Jesus was not God, rather an obedient angel.
My impetus wasn't to propose a new matrix per se, but rather to show why WLMCPGN* didn't work, and I said that our conceptual schema, or interpretive approach, might blind us to what is written. I consider the JW, the SDA, and the LC to be classic examples. When you point out the "wrong verses" they either try to minimize them or they change the subject. And yet their "special verses" apparently are so crucial to any understanding. Again, we all do this to some degree to make sense of things. We arrange verses to find the most coherence. But we should hold it lightly. The human race is capable of great foolishness - am I exempt? Hardly. Just because I reject Lee's nonsense doesn't mean I can't fall into others. Again, that's why I cite the "credal church" of history, and hold that the SDA, JW, and LC all abandoned the historical faith, and then there were none to restrain the madness of the prophet.
My core theology was preached publicly by both the unlettered Galilean fisherman Peter and by urban sophisticate Paul: see, e.g., Acts 13:30-33; 2:224,32. God raised Jesus, and gave him glory. That confession makes me an idiot in the eyes of the world. Why alienate my brethren? Again, Lee mastered this - divide & conquer. That is not the Way.
*Witness Lee Mind Control Progamme and Guanxi Network dba the LC, BFA, FTTA, LSM, DCP, Rhema Inc etc etc