Originally Posted by Ohio
The truth that Jesus as the Holy Spirit can live in our heart is one of the greatest truths in the universe. Untold martyrs have died for this truth, refusing to deny the Savior within.
That is the promise and what was brought to us in the New Covenant! Of everything I learned in the LC, the knowing of this - the Indwelling Christ - was the very best thing!
I still hear much in Christendom about trying to do this or that to try and live the Christian life, which admonitions says little of the fact that He lives in His believers to do "both the willing and the working." (Phil 2:13) The many things that were sideways in the LC we discuss on here with tens of thousands of posts, but I will testify that the Lord used the LC to put the truth of the indwelling Christ (aka, Anointing, Spirit, etc.) into me.