Originally Posted by UntoHim
No, Ohio, you didn't explain, and that's why we went nowhere. I asked you repeatedly what you meant by "calling on the Lord", and then you huffed and you puffed...and then you gave up. Same thing is happening here.
First, I will address this. I provided numerous scripture verses, but you refused to even admit that there is basis in the Bible for calling on the Lord. Apparently you want some
defined technique like WL promoted. I repeatedly said that no definitive technique exists either in the Bible or our life. Didn't David sigh and the Prophet breathe the name of Yahweh? That was apparently how they called on the Lord at one time. But not every time.
I only provided some
principles for calling on the Lord, e.g. calling must be genuine, must be from the heart, cannot be vain babbling, cannot take His name in vain, etc. These are from the Bible. Let me repeat that I am only discussing Bible teachings, not those of the LC.
There are millions of Christians with billion of needy times who could call on the Lord millions of different ways. There is no one way to explain to you! Apparently this concept is just too difficult for you to understand. Obviously you want a YouTube video instruction for every language on earth. Hate to break the news, but we can't package this and sell it on Amazon.
Secondly, I also quoted verses from both Corinthian epistles that address this thread topic.
Why have you not commented on them? With your caustic attitude here, I must conclude that you also consider Paul was a modalist, and I said that before.
Explain to me what Paul said. Do not tell me what 2 millennia of "scholars" have told us. Obviously the Bible is no longer your standard for the truth.
Where is that verse about "THREE PERSONS?" Where is any verse that uses the word "THREE" when referring to God?
You have no answers for these Biblical "problems," so you push back on me. Then you claim that I "huff and puff." Why don't you address the verses themselves?
Forget about the LC and church fathers, what do you say about these verses? Forget about Grudem's
Systematic Theology. Grudem was not an apostle! Let me repeat that I am only discussing Bible teachings, not those of the LC.