Thread: Modalism
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Old 05-31-2020, 08:05 AM   #20
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Default Re: Modalism

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
Well, to start, nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus became the Holy Spirit, and neither did WL say that either...1 Cor 15:45 is just one verse that points to a very important truth covered by many other verses.

Now these realities have been added to the Spirit, they were not in the Holy Spirit before, because the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. How can all of this be? Well, because the last Adam became the life-giving Spirit.
Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Oh, he most certainly did. Here are just a few I conjured up in just a minute or two.

"The Son is the Father, and the Son is also the Spirit... and the Lord Jesus who is the Son is also the Eternal Father. Our Lord is the Son, and He is also the Father."

"Through the process of resurrection, the Man who ended the old creation became the life-giving Spirit, the germinating element of the new creation."

"When He entered into resurrection, He became the Spirit who gives life"

"The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are not three separate persons or three Gods; they are one God, one reality, one person."
I still am missing that part where WL said that "Jesus is the Holy Spirit."

Sorry bro, you can use your oversized modalism shoe horn, but you really need to go after Apostle Paul on this one.

It was Paul who first said, "And the Lord is the Spirit." Please read 2 Cor 3.17

And I'm still looking for that Bible verse that says God is "3 Persons."

You seem so intent on getting the descriptor "THREE" into the scripture somewhere, anywhere, to describe God, that you remind me of that errant 15th century scribe who mis-copied the Latin Vulgate N.T. into a manuscript of the Greek N.T. regarding I John 5.7-8 (Please see Johannine Comma)

I know you are convinced there must be a "THREE" in there somewhere to provide us with an orthodox theology of God Himself, but it just isn't there.

I'm so sorry.
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