Originally Posted by zeek
Can someone explain to me why the same people who don't need to wear a mask because God will protect them also need an AR-15 because God won't?
Dr. Fauci said that the mask does nothing, and it's only a symbol.
Stopping a virus with a mask is like restraining mosquitoes with a chain link fence.
After 3 months of this nonsense, people are seeing the hypocrisy in our leaders, especially the Democratic governors, and deciding that wearing masks is a joke. It's nothing more than a fashion statement at this point.
Wearing a mask is more dangerous than not. By hiding one's face, all forms of criminal activity can be done under the cloak of anonymity. There's reasons why criminals hide behind masks, and the dangers from criminals exceeds the dangers from this virus. Because of this, now more than ever people feel the need for firarms.
You should be thankful that you have a great governor in DiSantis.