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Old 05-27-2020, 10:54 AM   #12
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Finding Biblical Context For Women 'Are More Easily Deceived'

I recently heard a brother on the radio speak on this, and he was quite strong on the idea that scripture forbids women to take a leadership role in place of a man. I kept expecting the censors to come on and shut him down at any time!

Look, I've been married to a strong woman for 22 years. She bought a franchise over 30 years ago that facilitates leadership develop to organizations. When she was in the corporate world with an international Fortune 500 company, she quickly rose to the VP level. (BTW - she says she wasn't even aware of a "Glass Ceiling" and said so once when interviewed by media - that's not what they were looking for!) She's a very strong goal setter & achiever and very high on the accountability scale (for herself and others).

I've learned so, so much from her over the years, in both the business and personal realms (I've been full-time in the family business for some time). However, while we consider ourselves equals, we also know there are key differences & strengths to each. While she usually shows a lot less emotion than many women, there is still a pretty strong emotional side. I think it might be the emotional part that can cause issues for women, and I wonder if that's not a characteristic that lends itself to deception at times. Women and men are certainly complimentary to each other (FYI: I might not show enough emotion at times), and I so very much appreciate this of my wife, and she of me.

But we all are coming from a place of being in the post-Christian world, where feminism has gone to an extreme and saturated the culture. So talk like this (e.g., in 1st Timothy) can actually sound alien to many now days. But God sees things clearly, and I've had a glimpse of what His household administration looks like. He has an administrative order (i.e., economy) to things, in order that His household might thrive, and so everyone gets what they need in an atmosphere of love. This household order is the Lord, then the husband/father, then the wife/mother, then the children. Again, this order is set by Him so that everyone in the household gets supplied with what they need, in an administration of love, caring (and yes, accountability).

So we can "kick against the goads" of this, but we will likely get hurt in the process! I'd be very interested to get the take of others - AND ESPECIALLY SISTERS!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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