Thread: Modalism
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Old 05-26-2020, 10:22 AM   #12
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Default Re: Modalism

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
And that's a great observation! Like the study of food without actually eating it. The purpose of it all is to know this One and that He wants to have a loving relationship with us. Lee, by so much focus on the nature of the Triune God, was most likely guilty of leaving out the critical aspect of love (which, don't forget, he confessed at the end of his life). That is, God is like a giant steamroller when it comes to getting His purpose! No, He loves us and will be Our Guide, even unto death.
Great analogy, bro, but you prolly don't want to say that or mention John 6.57 too loudly around here.

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
I donīt see where WL teaches modalism. 1 Cor. 15:45 says, "So also it is written, "The first Man, Adam, became a living soul." The last Adam became a life-giving spirit." (NASB). Of course, that is not the only verse in the Bible about God , but that is what that verse says. So what does it mean, and why (it seems) so few books or sermons or whatever talk about this?

What I do feel I learned very wrongly in the Recovery is the lack of emphasis in the knowledge, experience, praise, worship, fellowsip, relationship, (please add more words) with the Father. Jesus constantly referred to the Father; Jesus said He would reveal the Father to whom He would choose to. Paul prayed to the Father all the time. As far as I can remember the Father is barely mentioned in the Recovery except for the last 15 minutes of the table meeting on Sundays. I cannot remember one single time that somebody addressed prayers to the Father in the prayer meeting or any meeting. (that is different than teaching modalism, though).

After leaving the Recovery, one day I think I was reading a post from somebody here in LCD, addressing the matter of how the teachings about the TG in the Recovery depersonalized the Godhead. As I read I felt the presence of the Lord move in me and in prayer I wept and repented and came back to realize my Triune God, is three living, real, personable, dear Persons!!!!

Yes they are one and three, no earthly math or logic applies here. I do see there are "overlaps", though, many times their name or place overlaps with one another, or are "switched" for one another. How could it be surprising if there is only one God? There has to be overlap, they are one. But wait, they are also three...itīs not for analysis, itīs for extasis! Itīs awesome, but rather HE is awesome!!!!
Great points here! I could give the same testimony.

But don't be intimidated by the push back here. And note that way too many Christian brothers (and even scholars) have just been wrongly influenced by that horrible translation in the KJV of verses I John 5.7-8, the so-called Johannine comma. It has helped skew Christian thought for centuries.

Years ago one church even threw me out for mentioning God is One and that error in the KJV. Most people take their theology fairly seriously, even if it means throwing the brothers under the bus or out the door.
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