Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Thanks for the clear answer (that you don't think the RCC is really a church)! Yes, certainly several apparent parallels between the LC and Roman Catholic Church. Many theologians (at least non-Catholic ones) think there is good cause to consider that the church in Thyatira represents the RCC. So considering your point that the LC and the RCC aren't really Christian churches because of their numerous bad teachings and practices . . . if the Lord calls the RCC a church (albeit a badly misbehaving one), shouldn't we?
StG, I recall you mentioning you meet with the Catholic church and it's members? Is that correct?
I don't agree with your equivalency however. Thyatira had faults but they were not yet apostate. But where is the Church of Thyatira now? The city no longer exists.
The Catholic church is a church, it's even a Christian church in name but is it a genuine Christian church? No. The only genuine church will be the church gathered in the New Jerusalem at Christ's second coming.