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Old 05-21-2020, 11:02 PM   #14
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: Responsibility of Christians Responding to Aberrant/Abusive Groups

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
If you are in the church and speak up, you are shunned, labeled, ostracized, ignored, shamed, told "you need to take life" and all the other controlling phrases.

And also you risk losing relationships with family members over your speaking up or even risk those family members enduring mistreatment themselves on your behalf even though they may not agree with you!

If you are out of the church and speak up, they announce you publicly and castigate you from their safe zone behind the microphone, call you evil and an opposer, and thus anyone left in the church who still speaks to you will then turn their backs on you out of fear.

The control is epically strong in that place.
Wow, that is evil. I didn't know this part was as bad as you've described. It helps explain the extreme stress on my 'link' to the LC at the time I stopped meeting, and that persons desperate attempts to retrieve me. So much fear and shame at stake for them.

I am disgusted afresh. Behind the facade is everything that would entrap, enslave subjicate and enslave. And I met with them for so long and they kept it so well hidden!!... for the most part. When I stopped I still had no idea how bad it ultimately is.
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