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Old 05-21-2020, 10:39 AM   #72
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Erroneous teaching of Lee concerning natural affection

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I really didn't become aware that the LC had this type of teaching until I had started attending some of the conferences and trainings and heard it spoken from the podium. I remember when I attended some of the summer college trainings that were held, one of the rules they would have for us was "no engaging in small talk."

I don't know if people really took it seriously or not, but I always did. In fact, I was always relatively introverted to begin with so it made me almost afraid to engage in conversation sometimes, because then when anyone actually did want to just have a normal conversation I would wonder if it was a trap or not.

I think this is a good example of a disconnect in experiences in the LC. There are some people who don't take things to heart and some who do. Some people who hear a rule and immediately discard it as not for them and don't have the feelings of guilt about it. Some people who take it to heart and are greatly affected by it.

Then decades later when the inevitable problems from the church arise, the ones who didn't take things to heart and were unaffected then try to drown out the ones who did and were affected.

I fell into the "took it to heart and was affected" category.
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