Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?
Now I’m going to relate this all back to some principles relevant to the LC.
The result of the series of developments, initiated (by the destruction of the past system that dark ages Europe existed under) and undertaken through the vehicle of the bubonic plague, giving rise to the list of things that created a society where persons have human rights, the principle of the rule of law etc, imperfect but desirable above any other human system that has emerged in the world. (Except if you are a tyrannical despot yourself and don’t like the restrictions of a free world).
I believe it is because of that heritage that the mind of the Western person is less susceptible to the tyrannical and despotic rulership of the LC system. Hence more Chinese membership, and which in turn has produced the exposure and downfall of the LC in the U.S. Something fated to happen, I believe. It’s in the blueprint of the western mentality and enshrined in our laws, that we have the right to choose based on our own conscience and individuality, and that even those in authority over us are accountable according to the law-of-the-land which in principle, favours no-one but seeks to identify and uphold the truth. Just like the book of Proverbs instructs.
Key to the whole system of a fair and equitable society is…………accountability in those who hold power…..!!!! The very thing the LC avoids.
The rule-of-law pivots around accountability. It puts everyone into subjection to the laws of the land. If my memory serves me correctly, it was the English King and Queen in Tudor times, that voluntarily subjected themselves to the law of the land. (That’s like the BB’s making themselves accountable and transparent)! It was then that system specifically that was bequeathed to all the historical states of the British Empire and forms the basis on which the legal systems of many Nations in the world function today. Its huge and foundational to our freedoms, peace and stability and all the other features of a healthy (Godly) society I mentioned in the above post.
To give example lets look at Prince Andrew and his foolish association with Jeremy Epstein. He will face the music for what he has participated in. Because he has it seems, in all probability, broken the law of the land, and will be brought down for it like any other law-breaker. The British public has the right to demand an accounting from him, and they will. Yet by contrast, he hasn’t killed anyone. Putin kills and has killed, whomever he chooses, (and set up a system that entrenches his reign and freedom from accountability for the long haul). As does Kim Jong-un, and the Prince of Saudi Arabia, they are murderers with impunity in their own nations too. (Look at the journalist Khashoggi, the ‘dissenter and opposer’ in Saudi Arabia that was eliminated most likely by the Prince). No-one from within their respective nations is able to hold them accountable, they are above the law……..except…..the Western news media exposes them and they can't silence the voice of the free world!!!!
The true story delivered by the Netfix mini-series ‘When will they see us’ of 5 innocent young Afro-American youth jailed and convicted wrongly ….it is not a negative miracle what happened to them. That is the corruption of human nature, mainly the Police in this case, the wielders of power and the law. The miracle is that there is a system that took it upon itself to venerate them in the long run, that could backtrack (lose face!) on their judgement and endure that exposure of their own imperfection, that could admit it made a mistake and provide justice retrospectively in the interests of providing dignity and justice for its victims. The system was there for the right people to utilise to bring that justice. That is the miracle, that good happened at all.
Thereby, this discussion goes full circle lands us right back at the misuse of authority in the LC system. Without the bubonic plague, we would not have the rule-of-law or a ‘justice system’. (my opinion). We would have no defence against the injustices of any system like the LC which seeks to dominate and rule over us. Nor would we have the understanding imbedded in our psyche that we can identify this abuse rather than venerate and worship those abusers. Additionally, our system of law limits, through legislation, the rights these groups have over their members, forcing them to rely only on superstition (emotionally based fears) to contain their membership.
Who knows what are the long term developments from this virus? We don’t know, but God does. We just need to try to be a peace within His will. And stay as safe as possible!! All things work for the good for those who love God!! (Romans 8:28 or somewhere thereabouts!!)
don't you just hate the days I have adequate time on my hands!