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Old 05-18-2020, 01:23 PM   #122
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
Honestly, StG, I don't listen to Christian teachers enough to make such a recommendation. Unlike yourself, I don't spend much time chasing after them and their opinions. I may pick up a thing here or there but not enough to confidently endorse anyone in general.

This mindset reminds me of what scripture says about the Greeks and how there's always chasing after new philosophies and teachers with itching ears (2 Tim 2:4).

I'm confused as to why my answer isn't sufficient for you. To me that's the most sound Christian advice one can give especially to those that spent so much time relying solely on others to teach them only to have been hurt by their doctrines in the end.

A good teacher will simply show you how to properly approach scripture for the purpose of encouraging you to learn it yourself rather than to impose their views onto you.
Okay. I'm not just inquiring about people on media (TV, radio, etc.) but also in person or in print. But if that question frustrates you, then we can leave it . . .
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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