Originally Posted by Nell
You didn’t “assume”. You implied. And as I said, I made no lateral moves to John Piper.
If I was implying that I would have used the words "having gone from" rather than "going from". It was a courtesy because there are those that follow Piper on the forum. You're free to accept it or not.
Originally Posted by Nell
So I’ll repeat my point: Look up! Wake up! We don’t know. We probably shouldn’t take comfort in opinions, reasonings and speculations. Putting God in a box is probably not a good an idea. He can do what he wants, when he wants. Better to “take heed” and/or “watch therefore”.
I agree, we should keep watch as scripture urges us to. We may not be able to put God in a box but we can rely on what He's given us in scripture. It's not a matter of what God can or cannot do, but what will God do and He won't go against His word.
My position is that if you have repented and received the Holy Spirit you are in no need that any man should teach you the truth (1 Jn 2:27). The danger with prophecy is, if you are contradicting scripture you are painting a different picture of who God is so when guys like Piper come along with a prophetic word we should be diligent in critiquing what he is claiming against scripture.
Think about this; 67,000 people in the US died of the flu in 2017. Did anyone claim it was a shaking from God then? So how come they are saying these things about Covid now? Covid isn’t the cause of all the pandemonium and disruption, it’s the human response to it. So now we are left with judging whether it is God or the spirit of the world acting through the people and influencing their reactions as a whole. I don't know about you but I lean toward the spirit of the world.