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Old 05-17-2020, 08:46 AM   #73
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Soul & Spirit - Same or Different?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Curious:
Weather or not the posters on this forum agree that we have a soul and spirit as two separable parts or not, we mostly agree that to believe you are able to separate them yourself to get ‘out of your mind’ where you can be manipulated and controlled by WL is a bad use of the concept of soul and spirit, that replaces sound Christian teaching and ultimately does a great deal of harm, not good. A doorway to exploitation in a typically cultic sense.
I do agree with what Curious posted, and also essentially what you said too! So here's my knee-jerk reaction: UntoHim, you always seem to want to paint me in a light that I am somehow defending the practices of the LC to the nth degree! I am not. There was/is abuse and things gone sideways there. Period. I said it once again. Need I repeat myself over and over on this in order that people here understand that I am not trying to champion all things WL/LC!? Not by a long shot!!!

I think it's like bro Ohio said; in the "food fights" we get into here, the one trying to be even a little moderate (aka "middle of the road") gets hit with pie from both sides. However, since almost no one who is pro-LC seems to want to post on here anymore, I'm the one that gets it.

So I get it -->This forum exists to attack (I mean "bring to light") the bad practices and abuses of the LC. And since no LC members seem to have the stones any more to come on here and stand up to the onslaught they will surely receive, then I get to take it. Ain't I the privileged one!? (actually yes!)

So one thing I may be guilty of is starting a thread with the intention of just having some back & forth about a topic. But my error may be in thinking we can do that without always dragging WL or the LC into it. Let me use this admittedly poor illustration to hopefully illustrate what I'm talking about. If I started a thread asking if Cheerios was a better cereal than Cocoa Puffs, I'm hoping to have some simple dialogue around that. But I guess I forget that we're on a forum to disparage (sorry, I mean "bring to light) the evil practices of all things WN/WL/LSM/LC/TLR, and before long someone is bound to say something like, "Well yeah, but what about WL never allowing us to eat Cheerios, and forcing us to only eat Cocoa Puffs!? In fact, he wouldn't even permit us to acknowledge Cheerios ever existed." So again, my bad for thinking we could have a discussion on here without ALWAYS taking a hard turn into all-things-anti-LC-bashing. And then folks seem to want to try and paint me as being pro LC. (once again, I am not, and I ask that you please don't automatically assume that)

Thanks for listening to my little rant for today . . . at least I feel better. But that's my view, for what it's worth, from the middle . . . (don't you pity me now, at least a little? ) Otherwise, hit me with your best shot. (Christ in me still loves you . . . )
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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