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Old 05-16-2020, 11:02 PM   #92
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Posts: 488
Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Nell View Post

Here’s what I have to say:

I don’t follow Piper, never have, and I don’t know enough about him to have an opinion. My point wasn’t Piper.
Jo S: I have made no such “lateral move” to Piper, so I can’t go down that bunny trail.

Perhaps you could read my post #87 again. I would be interested in your response to #87 sans reference to Piper. Sorry.

Hi Nell, my comments on Piper were more of a warning seeing as you and others were being drawn to his teachings. I didn't assume you were a follower.

So to sum up my position on whether or not God is directly involved in this Covid situation is this;

I believe scripture teaches that Jesus' death on the cross satisfied God's wrath until the time of judgment when the 7 trumpets and the 7 bowls of judgment are poured out onto mankind.

In my mind to claim that this virus is God's doing is essentially saying that He is in the process of judging mankind. This premise directly contradicts revelation given in scripture as there are many things that have to first take place before His judgment through pestilence in Revelation occurs.

To me it's not a matter of waiting to see whether or not John Piper is right, he's already falsely prophesying by contradicting what we already know in scripture.

It's also written that there will be signs and wonders performed by the anti-Christ in the last days that'll be so great even the very elect will be deceived if it were possible.

When I look at how a virus not much deadlier than influenza shut down the entire world, I tend to categorize the response to this pandemic as "signs and wonders" rather than God's judgment.

One thing is for sure, we can agree that we are in the last days.

Does that answer your question?
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