From the first link:
Paying a Price to Gain the Typical Americans
Published by raquel at 9:57 am under Ministry
After the recovery spreads to a certain nation, it should reach the typical local people. America was built up by the Caucasians. The recovery in the United States should reach the Caucasian people. If we cannot do this or we would not do this, we will suffer a big deficiency. God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34)….Recently, I had a thought deep within me that the reason we have gained so few Caucasians in recent years might be because in our meetings we have a high percentage of people of other races. We do not practice the separation of the races as some denominations do. Nevertheless, because this is the United States, the majority of the saints in the churches in this country should be Caucasian. The other races should be a minority. If the percentage of those of other races in the meetings is too high, it will be difficult for the Caucasian people to be attracted to the recovery. Therefore, we must find a way to get into the Caucasian community. We are healthy in our teaching, but we are not healthy in our practice. We must reconsider our situation. I would like to pay some price to gain the Caucasian people. All the Caucasian brothers and sisters need to be burdened and consider so that they may be enabled by the Lord to find a way (Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, pp. 3-4).
This is just insane. Insane.