Originally Posted by Trapped
Today's quote from Nee:
God’s desires cannot be released without first passing through man, and God’s desires, when expressed through man’s desires, will be opposed by the power of Satan. In order to fulfill God’s desire, we have to pray, and in order to remove Satan’s frustration, we have to pray. We have to exercise the authority of prayer and release what should be released and bind what should be bound.
Does this make sense?
Did God not desire to make the universe and the earth and the animals, etc.....when man was nowhere in sight for God's desires to be "first passed" through?
Did Satan not oppose God BEFORE man was created (Nee makes it sound like Satan will only oppose God's desires when they are expressed through man's desires)?
What am I missing?
I feel like he's uplifting man over God somehow, but I can't put my finger on it.
Just swap "God" and "Satan"... Nee's teaching how to subvert your conscience.