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Old 05-12-2020, 10:04 AM   #50
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Soul & Spirit - Same or Different?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
So I don't really know much at all, since I struggle to show love. But it's good to realize that you don't know much... that's a good place to start. (and I referenced "his angel" randomly; I could have referenced 20 different things in NT to show how little we really understand the sacred writings. But I notice that we ignore a lot in the NT, in a vain attempt to prove to ourselves that we understand it. That was Lee's error [among others])
Yes, agreed. I remember a conversation with a brother about how we think we know something about subatomic things. He said, "God and the heavenly host are probably sitting up there saying, 'Oh look, isn't that cute - man has learned how to split the atom and blow things up!'"

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Now, while I concur with StG and others here who have argued for a "tripartite" man, I cannot see in scripture the notion of "to know our spirit is to know him". Nor can I agree that merely knowing the difference between our human spirit and our soul gives us the ability to "know the difference between what's just ourselves and what's actually Christ". While I agree there is a degree of needed subjectivity here, I would submit that there is also a more reliable, objective way for us to know the difference - namely the Holy Scriptures. It's right there for us in black and white. The Scriptures "operate" regardless of our subjective feelings or sensibilities. Trust me, the Scriptures always know what's the difference between what's just ourselves and what's actually Christ, and as the author of Hebrews so clearly points out, the Scriptures are able to discern between our spirit and our soul.
As Ohio pointed out - Isn't the point that we need both, lest we be an unturned cake?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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