Originally Posted by ByGodsGrace
It was David who said Of Saul I will touch not the Lord’s anointed (in the context to harm Saul when he had the opportunity to... even though Saul was trying to kill him)
And here the context is stated.
At this time, Saul was anointed under God's direction to be king. And David had also been anointed to be the next king. Both anointings were established by outward acts. There was no mystery as to God's ultimate intentions.
But without divine instruction to take action to claim the kingdom as his, David understood that the choice as to when he would become king was not his own.
As for modern-day prophets, teachers, or MOTAs, there is no evidence of a permanent and lasting anointing that makes them anything worthy of laying claim to Saul's position as anointed and the rest of us simply putting up with it because we are not that anointed one. That does not mean that there is no leadership in the church in this age. Jesus spent three years getting the first of those leaders ready. But theirs was not a position to own or lay claim to. Instead, they served the church as Christ had commanded them. And the evidence is that over time there was change in the leadership.