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Old 05-12-2020, 04:18 AM   #6
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Default Re: Quotes and Memes

Originally Posted by ByGodsGrace View Post
It was David who said Of Saul I will touch not the Lord’s anointed (in the context to harm Saul when he had the opportunity to... even though Saul was trying to kill him) because he understood that God blesses us when we honor his authority structure and He was going to humbly wait for God’s proper time to fulfill His promise that He may exalt him in the proper time.

HOWEVER it is SO TRUE that when the authority (like Saul) is out of line with God’s will then we have some very valid questions and considerations and prayers to make which is def not “touching the Lords anointed” but rather using discernment and wisdom. Anyone who is saying that questioning an authority’s words is touching the Lords anointed is def not applying that truth in its context. When things get unhealthy we may NEED to come out of alignment with that person in order to come under God’s will.
Yes, the meme is pointing to false teachers like Benny Hinn who said one of the most arrogant claims these people have. Somehow the phrase 'touch not the Lord's anointed' could be similar about the Minister of the Age not to question his teachings. No matter what church you attend, if a pastor/elder rebukes you simply for questioning him about something he's said, endorsed, or is teaching that you believe is not biblical, red flags should fly high! In my experience I was told not to exercise my mind because questioning is of the devil. Later I did realize it was a mind controlling thing.

"Get out of your mind, get your spirit in gear!"

he understood that God blesses us when we honor his authority structure and He was going to humbly wait for God’s proper time to fulfill His promise that He may exalt him in the proper time.
This has nothing to do in a New Testament church leadership. Leaders in the OT are not the same in the NT. Witness Lee is NOT today's Moses. The Bible is the ultimate authority in the church, not the church leaders.
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.”
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