Originally Posted by UntoHim
Now, while I concur with StG and others here who have argued for a "tripartite" man, I cannot see in scripture the notion of "to know our spirit is to know him". Nor can I agree that merely knowing the difference between our human spirit and our soul gives us the ability to "know the difference between what's just ourselves and what's actually Christ". While I agree there is a degree of needed subjectivity here, I would submit that there is also a more reliable, objective way for us to know the difference - namely the Holy Scriptures. It's right there for us in black and white. The Scriptures "operate" regardless of our subjective feelings or sensibilities. Trust me, the Scriptures always know what's the difference between what's just ourselves and what's actually Christ, and as the author of Hebrews so clearly points out, the Scriptures are able to discern between our spirit and our soul.
This is every bit as extreme as those who clamor only about knowing "my spirit." During my long journey as a Christian, I always found that the ones who only spouted verses, professing know-it-alls, out to correct us all, denying any subjective feelings, to be the most dogmatic and void of all love. Since they appeared to be void of all feeling, their level of arrogance was off the charts. Sadly, I've seen a few on these boards.
Of course, the scripture exhorts us to study to be approved, but Paul also exhorted us to have our own faculties exercised to discern. John speaks of the anointing teaching us all things. The Bible also speaks of the character of ministers, and to repent and examine ourselves, etc. etc. and etc.
If spiritual things were as simple as "looking up things in the Bible, right there for us in black and white," then we don't need the Lord, the Spirit, growth in life, renewing of the mind, sanctification, and a whole host of items mentioned in the Bible. All we need is your own preferred choice of Bible apps for your smart phone. Just look it up and get all the answers.