Originally Posted by LCgenX
Wow! 1977?! Wasn't that lyke when the original Spanish Corona Virus broked out toward the end of the First World War??? How old u dudes, anyway? Y'all be lyke over 50!!!
Don't be bitter. Be better.
LC & Lovin It...
It can be hard on an anonymous message board to know if something is genuine or sarcastic. The above post may be a spoof by someone trying to make LCers look bad. But if there are those the LC thinking this way (and they're surely being programmed to) I have a reply: we think about what happened in 1977 for the same reason we think about what happened 2,000 years ago in Galilee and Judea. "The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead [yes, 2000 years ago] will [now] give life to your mortal bodies." ~Rom 8:11 And the spirit of deception and manipulation, that spirit at work 40-odd years ago, is still at them today to "enjoy" whilst being spiritually pantsed. Sorry to be blunt but that's the way it is. What happened then matters now, because what happened then is still happening now. It's the same spirit. Maybe with a narrower necktie, but the same spirit. Don't be fooled into thinking that it's different because it's a different decade. The prince of the age surely wants to give that impression, but nothing has changed. It's still manipulation, deception, control, fear.