Originally Posted by Jo S
Spirit by works, as you'll find in the LC, it one that comes by imposing your own will onto the spiritual realm - aka the practices of "calling" and Lectio Divina (pray-reading).
Spirit by faith is one that comes as a result of Godly repentance, which is a work of God in your life, through faith alone.
These are two completely different spirits. The former is the spirit of the world, the latter is the Holy Spirit of God.
I didn't know what was meant by Lectio Divina, so I looked it up and found this video by evidently a Catholic preist (he calls himself "father"):
Lactio Divina 4 explanation minute video
This is not too far from what I've practiced in my morning times with Jesus for some time now. I read the word; I thank the Lord for specific things I'm reading or ask Him to operate in my heart. Sometimes that leads into a song that comes up in me, so I sing that. But I use the scripture to meditate upon Him and His works and intentions towards me (and others), and thank/praise Him that He is faithful and true and able to do what He said He will do.
Do you see something wrong with that? (the one thing I probably don't do is Lectio Divina step #5 - go out and do something according to the meditation you just had - but not sure there's anything inherently wrong with that)
EDIT: Something to add - read this article on the perceived danger of Lectio divina:
Danger of Lectio divina What this says is it may be a fine practice if we don't get too subjective and don't substitute it for good, careful study of scripture (exegesis). In other words, the author seems to say both is needed, and I agree.