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Old 05-07-2020, 12:34 PM   #25
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: Soul & Spirit - Same or Different?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Got any idea? Now who could it be? Could it be . . . . . . Jo S? DING DING DING DING Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!

But you knew that when you asked, didn't you? And why do you think I had you in mind?
Yes, I assumed so. I just wanted to be sure. I do not know why you thought of me for this topic. Maybe you can fill me in on that. BTW, I'll take a fish dinner if that's an option.

So in an attempt to engage in this topic, I share with you this theory that I have. The theory is that all claims or doctrines derived from New Testament writings (such as body, mind, and soul and their relation to man) should be able to be clearly vetted and validated by the Old Testament or Tanakh; after all Jesus and the apostles always supported their claims with Old Testament scripture.

As a challenge to you and to the forum, I'll pose these two questions:

1) Can you point to where in the Old Testament it speaks of a human spirit (or a human "ruach" in Hebrew)?

2) Intrinsically, what is the main difference between a faithful believer in the OT vs. a born-again believer in the NT?
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