Originally Posted by aron
If everyone you read interprets scripture in only one way, then perhaps you should broaden your reading list. Read people that you don't agree with, read people that challenge your thinking. Then read people who challenge them! If you only read people who say exactly what you're thinking, how can you learn, grow, change?
But Soul & Spirit - different or same or unknown isn't getting me, personally, closer to Jesus. It just presents me with someone's aspect, or view. But I want to know Jesus' view. I want to know the view of Paul (might lend to tripartite interpretation) and John (might not).
We all know where the 'tripartite' view brought us once - deeper into Witness Lee's lair. Now, someone can show me how it brings us closer to Jesus' view, his living, his walk, his glory? Certainly he didn't teach it.
(btw, some of my favourite authors taught the tripartite view, long before Watchman Nee [think Desiderius Erasmus, the "Enchiridion"]. But I'm willing to hold it at arms length, anyhow. Jesus taught, you must be willing to lose your soul, lose your favorite authors best writings)
Well said and thanks for jumping in! So I don't go about looking for authors who only have a tripartite view, by any means. And I couldn't say for sure that everyone I read believes that. I will say that I don't think anyone I read regularly has seemed to indicate that soul & spirit are synonymous - I would notice that as it's not according to my tripartite filter.
I've read a good deal of stuff about the dichotomy idea, but the light I believe I've received shows me man has a soul that can be divided from spirit. If one person thinks they're the same and another doesn't, no big whoops! It's certainly not an essential article of the faith. Could we go round and round with verses ad nauseam? Sure. But to what end - people get set in their thinking, and only the Lord can illuminate them otherwise.
And your last paragraphs were spot on in the respect that all this stuff has to be measured by, "Does it bring me into a better walk with Jesus and help me see Him more?"
Any way, I'm kinda done - not interested in the ad nauseam (sorry UntoHim if you think I'm taking my ball home). I just wanted to see what others on here think about the subject, and I've heard that.