Re: YouTube Channel Discusses the Local Church
Interestingly also, WL contradicts all this completely, in his writings on 'emotions'. What he says there instructs his followers to keep feelings and reactions very much to oneself. to be 'mild', 'temperate', 'restricted' and 'restrained', 'polite' and 'self-controlled', 'tranquil'..... magnanimous, perhaps? ["Lessons on Prayer" chapter 7 section 3, easy find by google 'Witness Lee on emotion'].
-(Quote from my own post no.206 on this thread)
As I have time today, I am going to correct my own comment here. Having thought about this comment of mine here a little more, I find I don't agree with it. WL is not describing being motivated by love or a magnanimous attitude here. He is describing what this motivation as a behavior looks like but not touching on the motivation that should be behind it. That difference makes a particular behavior at risk of expressing an opposite source. His description can be motivated by fear, by a manipulative agenda, by social conditioning, but have no love for others involved. The definition of magnanimous touches on the reason for such an attitude...kindness, humility, are referenced, as does the 1 Corinthians 13 description of love.
The directional words in this list, taken directly from his own writings on this topic, can be described as teaching a person to be restricted, restrained, suppressed, even oppressed. All very unhealthy from a mental health perspective. A copy-cat outwardly, of mature Christian conduct but without any reference to how to arrive at this place where this conduct is a natural, not imposed, expression of the freedom to love and express goodness to others. This is where his writings are superficial, and betray the superficiality of his own understanding and function.
Thankyou Trapped for offering an alternative 10 commandments. Amongst the 10 commandments, the beatitudes, and the Lord's prayer, there is not even a sideways reference to what WL puts center square in his 'perfecting training'. (To note, as well, any other preaching that places other outward behavior or focus in substitution of these three sets of fundamental directives from heaven to us).