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Old 05-04-2020, 04:01 PM   #26
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: Ron Kangas at the Waters of Meribah

Hello to Steel, of Austin, Texas!
Thankyou for being prompted to participate in this discussion!

It seems the point you are concerned with is to is to imply that WL is certainly with Jesus as Moses and Elijah, is that the correct understanding of what you conveyed?

Perhaps, while we have your attention, you may engage with us to defend the living, and not just the dead. If you refer to posts 11-19 and 21 on this thread, there is very interesting and relevant dialogue which I think is more important as it affects the present and the future, and discusses real issues and not speculation about things that are now in God's hands alone.

What do you think about these reflections on how people's needs are managed or mismanaged in the LC's today as discussed above? Do these issues also matter enough to prompt more comment from you?

We welcome your input and response to these matters on this thread.
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