Re: Ron Kangas at the Waters of Meribah
It looks like from everything that is considered on this forum, that Lee sold eternity for temporal power and glory. That works until it all doesn’t anymore, at the end. From there only God knows. I never thought I would see it testified that Lee had a ‘terrible death’, and much as the words make me shudder to read, it is what I suspect.
Now I have focused many of my posts on efforts towards those following in Lee’s footsteps. It seems to me reflecting back, that I may well have given the impression that I care for them more than those they harm. In fact, I have only been motivated by my awareness of the fate I believe that awaits those running the LC show, and the actual peril they live in. But now I believe I have spent enough of this forum’s space and time on this theme.
It is absolutely remarkable and honor-worthy that Jo Casteel prayed to speak blessings to the Local Churches at the funeral of her husband. I commend her highly for her grace and dignity in the face of tragedy.
Amazing though her decision to bless is, it is also the requirement laid out before us as those who follow Jesus. She has fulfilled what God instructs from a true disciple. We have to have a heart like His in order to be his brothers and sisters!! (I have taken a long time, in my own life, to come to the place of realising God requires that of me too). This is what true Christianity looks like! And WL chose to have no part in it, and on this topic, he certainly didn’t participate in or reflect 'Christianity'. And neither do those who have followed him. (Maybe it was in reality, some of these aspects of 'Christian' faith that he was avoiding?)
Questions I am going to ask, and incidentally, that the leadership of the LC should be asking with all their hearts, but sadly, aren’t:
How is the Casteel family managing in the medium and long term? With only one bread winner and the burden of grief still bearing down on them, and now the covid 19 disruption, how are things for them? Do they have the spiritual and emotional support, the financial and practical reserves they need to get through? I pray they do but apart from posing the questions here, I have no way to know the answers and I don’t expect they will want these details answered on a public forum anyway. It is natural and human to be concerned about them and I’m sure many who read here think the same thoughts and have the same questions. What I do know for sure is it won’t be easy, the harm done has ongoing ramifications, the stress left on Jo will probably overwhelm her at times.
I’m sure there are many more people than she realises, praying for her and thinking, caring about her life and that of her children, as their lives continue. I daresay many more people than she realises are thinking of her and praying for her and her family. I hope she is encouraged to know many support her even if only from afar and through an internet forum!