Originally Posted by Terry
It seems many in the lead got there out 10-20 years of loyalty and apt to parrot whatever LSM is pushing while not able to lead or shepherd congregations their in. Many come across as church managers or hirelings rather than shepherds. Attitude is we set to the meeting time, we're here and those who want to be here are here. It's rare to go and visit ones who have been inactive for periods of time.
Considerations in choosing elders and responsible brothers are things like "he attends the meeting regularly", or "he prophesies almost every week", "he is fully in the church life" or "his wife is not a wacko". Allegiance to and parroting of the ministry is a must.
Originally Posted by Terry
Concerns are a LC taboo. There may be some elders/co-workers that wll listen to a degree, but any expectation one might have for a "responsible one" to take action, an elder/co-worker may suddenly experience a bout of thin skin. Taking exception to being told what to do.
This is the flag of an unhealthy church. Bad things happen in all churches, but in unhealthy churches, you can't talk about them. If you do, then your talking about it is the problem, not the actual problem.
Elders and co-workers will usually listen to problems, but it's more for information gathering and threat-assessment than with a concern for the people involved. A need to take action gives them instant lead feet. Fellowship that should be swift drags on interminably while saints suffer. Leading brothers don't like having the Bible pointed out to them when they should rightfully take action in the face of serious situations as they hem and haw hoping it will just all fade away.
Originally Posted by Terry
And how do opposers get created? Many thinking the same thing. No one likes being fed a lie to be accepted as truth or to have their personal liberty undermined who they can or cannot receive.
Dead on.