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Old 05-01-2020, 08:05 PM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Ron Kangas at the Waters of Meribah

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
That's why Ron Kangas may have no qualifications for leading His people into promised land anymore like the case of Moses.

Should we wait until Ron Kangas's passing away? And something new and good will happen in LC ? Or do you think that situation among LC is unrepairable?
It is my opinion and a great source of grief that it's unrepairable without outside intervention. Or intervention from within, I suppose, but that will only have its source from the outside.

The "junior co-workers" are chosen because they are cut from the same cloth as the senior co-workers. There is a massive atmosphere of submission, ingratiation, bowing, "I don't know anything" from those lower on the totem pole, and even when Ron passes away, the other co-workers - both senior and junior - won't rock the boat. They are all 1000% committed to the gold bar, the pure ministry as our founding documents, Witness Lee as The One Who's Burdens We Must Carry Out. They live in their tiny little mental box absolutely petrified that any change for the better might be "Christianity" or might be the first brick to building the bridge back to Christianity.

It's an inherently unrecoverable closed system, ironically called The Recovery. I think it can only change with an outside influence acting upon it, humanly, or from God having enough and stepping in, divinely.
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