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Old 05-01-2020, 08:07 AM   #100
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: QUESTION: If *Hopelessly* Stranded on an Inhabited Island . . .

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
That's not true.

Romans says that the Lord of all is rich to all who call upon His name. Doesn't sound like initial salvation. Sounds to me like the riches of the Lord are foreign to you, and your relationship to Him is just dead doctrines.

Second Timothy says to pursue righteousness with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Doesn't sound like initial salvation. Sounds to me like righteousness is also foreign to you.
In other words, you believe riches and righteousness come through works.

Unfortunately the only righteousness that will come by the LC's traditional practice of calling, is the self-righteousness of the Pharisees and the only riches that will come from it will be the riches of Laodicea.

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Yet they kept calling: "Let's all call on the Lord", as they convened to quarantine Titus Chu at Whistler. Ohio, you reported this to the forum. The danger is not merely the calling of itself as regarded as instrumental to the Christian life, subsuming all else. The danger is that people leave the LC physically but keep the doctrines. Many posters on this forum seem to fondly hold aspects of a Christian walk that was frankly ruinous. That is the danger of the LC. Not only it robs (captures) your body, but it even penetrates your mind and robs your soul.It has taken me years, post-LC, to see how pernicious the mind-control programme was.

You think you are 'out' but you are in an LC fog.

Well said, Aron. I agree in that as long as you retain the unbiblical teachings of Lee, no matter whether you've left physically, you're still very much a part of the Lord's Recovery. That's why I believe it's so hard for many to shake loose from their grasp years and even decades later. And so I do what I can to bring attention to those practices in the light of scripture in the hopes that error becomes evident. Unfortunately, things get lost in translation and some mistake the attack on pretension as an attack on their person. That's not my goal. I believe most of us all share a common goal in exposing this movement with the measure of grace each of us has been given.

The issue is that certain traditions are so embedded and ingrained from years of indoctrination that it can be quite a challenge to let them go. It's why (in the case of the LC's) I suggest it's best to throw it all out, seek a fresh start in the Lord apart from large congregations and the writings of Nee/Lee, and return to the simplicity and explicitness of scripture. Our God is a jealous God and I believe He's calling many to Himself, especially in times such as these.
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