Originally Posted by Trapped
I've seen saints clearly distraught at the hearing of Greg's suicide, and then weeks later saying the fault is on the nature of the letter - public, rather than approaching the co-workers privately. "And what do you expect when you do things in a wrong way like that?" It's grievous.
It's in human nature to point out all the things that line up with one's view, and ignore the rest. In some cases, the quantity ignored is substantial. In this case, what's ignored is that the "private approach" didn't work for Steve Isitt, Bill Mallon, John Ingalls, and with many others. The pattern is clear. But we don't care about that, do we - it's not helpful to our position.
So Greg and Joanna Casteel failed to follow NT due process, and this crossed the line with God's government, and LC leadership isn't responsible for what happened... yet what of all those who followed NT due process? They got railroaded. Then, due process didn't matter, God's governing commands were ignored, it was "we don't care for right and wrong, just for life".
Stick around in the LC, and you end up with these moving sets of rules. When it's convenient, the rules go one way. When it's no longer convenient, they flip 180 degrees. And nobody's supposed to notice.