Originally Posted by UntoHim
"It is in the Bible". WHAT is in the Bible? This is exactly what I have been trying to get you and Ohio to plainly and clearly describe for us. I have plainly and clearly stated that the Local Church practice of "Ooooohh Lllooooorrrd Jeessssuuussss" is not biblical. Both you brothers have admitted this (kind of) but you say that you have been taught and have practiced a way that is biblical. Great! I happy for you, I really am!
Calling on the name of the Lord Issssssssssss in the Bible. Look it up. Get a concordance, or ask Google. Read my last posts, ask Siri, or ask your pastor.
What you don't like is Hoooooowwwwwww it was done 45 years ago in some SoCal meeting. I have talked about that. I don't like it either. Neither does
SonsToGlory. When did we ever promote that?
Your argument is exactly the same as two ex-Catholics talking about prayer. The first one constantly berates prayer because there is no Rosary in the Bible, clamoring for the second one to show him the Roooooosssssaaaaarrrrryyyyyyy!!!!! "
Show me the Roooooosssssaaaaarrrrryyyyyyy!!!!! the first one keeps repeating. The practice of prayer is NOT biblical! Show me the rosary in the Bible"The other ex-Catholic keeps saying that the rosary is not real prayer. That real prayer is all over the Bible. That there are many verses on prayer. That the Bible says don't make endless repetition like the Catholics. That real prayer pleases God. But the first Catholic can't hear the second because 45 years ago that's all he heard.