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Old 04-29-2020, 03:08 PM   #79
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
This statement is a good way to summarize a lot of what is wrong with what was taught by WN/WL. There is something very deliberate about the lingo used that is intended to obstruct people from questioning what was being spoken.
That's actually one thing that stuck out from the CRI We Were Wrong edition, and drove me up the wall. They often heavily implied that the fault lies with the general public for not taking the time to read through ALL of Lee's ministry to understand the entire breadth of what he meant by a certain word.

Well, those words are, for example, "Christianity", which already has a standard meaning in the English language. In reality the fault lies with Lee who hijacked a positive word and twisted the meaning into something negative, and who then expected everyone else around him to go along with it.

Or a certain concept, like the Son is the Father. CRI criticizes detractors for not thoroughly reading and getting into and parsing ALL of what Lee said about the Son and the Father in order to understand all the "twofoldness of the truth" or how "balanced" he was (read: contradictory).

To me, if someone is so dumb as to make a statement like "the Son is the Father" and not balance it out in that very paragraph or chapter or book so that his shocking and heretical words are not misunderstood, but instead blames everyone else for not somehow digging out all the sporadic parts in his ridiculous numbers of rehashed books where he touches on the topic.....then he's a pretty poor choice for "minister of the age" if you ask me.

I'm so sick of what a clown show so much of the LC is. I feel like vomiting them out of my mouth too.
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