Originally Posted by Ohio
And He gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists and some shepherds and teachers . . . until we all arrive . . .
Of course prophesy exists today, that's not what I was implying. Prophesy today however is used to edify the church. It's purpose is to build up and not to condemn. It differs from the functions of the Old Testament prophets. In Luke 16:16 and Matthew 11:13 Jesus makes that distinction.
The main purpose of the prophets of old was to usher in the Messiah. But other functions were to write scripture and to warn God's people of His impending wrath. You don't see that now because Revelation is the final book in scripture and the last prophecy of God's judgments given to the church. In Christ's death Gods wrath was satisfied until the time the 7 bowls of judgment will be poured out.
So if you hear any so called "prophets" declaring this or that pestilence is from God, I'd think twice before accepting their word. Too many of today's "super apostles", John Piper is one, are trying to act as the prophets of old warning the Church of God's impending wrath and adding to scripture rather than focusing on proclaiming the gospel. These are false prophets or at best mistaken Christians.