Originally Posted by Doggonit
Notice how Albert Lim equates sinning against God with having "rebelled against Brother Lee". Nothing says WE ARE A CULT! like one of the lead minions reminding everyone that if you even think about looking at our dear leader cross-eyed God is going to strike you dead! And if you're really negative to the grand poobah God will strike down your spouse too!
Hey big Al I got a story for you. I know of a brother who was super rebellious against the local church cult. Man he was one of the worst of the worst. Now his wife was one of the most dedicated sisters you'll ever find. She went to every meeting. She preached the local church gospel to everyone who would listen. She brought lots of people into the local church cult. This sister was respected as much as any sister in her local church. And do you know what happened big Al? Do you think a piano fell on the rebellious brother? Did he get run over by a bus? Did he get some terrible disease and die a miserable death? No. It was the sister who got cancer and died.
Totally - it is a classic "cult" tactic.
One of the faithful co-workers, Francis Ball, was struck by a car and died years ago. I guess he rebelled against Witness Lee too?!