Re: QUESTION: If *Hopelessly* Stranded on an Inhabited Island . . .
Thanks for the thoughtful reply UntoHim! Hopefully this will get us back on track with the main idea of this thread.
I will consider these things you presented. While reading, I kept thinking of the recent impeachment proceedings. As I recall, the final thought in all that was, "Do these things rise to the level of an impeachable offence?" (Half the country seemed to think they did, while the other half didn't.) In this case, it would be: "Do these items (the 6 you listed) rise to the level of another gospel and another Jesus?"
Again, I have to give that some additional thought . . . (others feel free to jump in)
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!