Originally Posted by ExLCMillennial
This e-book from the Gospel Bookroom of the Philippines, Inc. is published as a compilation of the eight messages given by brothers Ron Kangas, Albert Lim, and Mark Raabe during the Perfecting Training for Elders and Responsible Ones held January 17-19, 2020, in Malabon City, Philippines. The training was attended by about one thousand five hundred elders and responsible ones across the Philippines.
Wow, on page 27 of that book Albert Lim shares a story of someone who "rebelled against brother Lee" who's wife very quickly after got cancer and died, and who then himself died 30 days later.
It's been a while since I've heard such an overt threat of death like that.
It's interesting, with their logic, all atheists (ultimate rebelling against God) should have died of heart attacks a long time ago.