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Old 04-26-2020, 08:28 AM   #72
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I see three eras.

The first is the OT where God declared that he would punish Israel if they were disobedient. (Yes, he also punished Sodom, and threatened to do the same to Nineveh, among others.) And he sent warnings in some cases stating their error and giving them a chance to repent.

The second is the NT era prior to the end times. That is where we are now. There is clearly promises of difficulty during this time. But no indication of warnings to be given to the church in the manner as was done to/for Israel. We have been given the scripture and the Spirit and should not need overt warnings. There is no promise to take action on nations, leaders, etc. But just as has happened throughout history, nations rise and fall. Both good and bad leaders take power all over the earth and eventually both are overthrown. Yet the church persists.

Then comes the end times. As part of that, there will be judgment for all the earth. It has endured the general judgment that came with the fall, but not the direct and active punishment of God. There are several word pictures indicating that this happens, though the precision as to how it happens is not clear.

Since I believe that we are in the second of those three periods of time, I do not generally understand the cycles of nature, and the whims of man as necessarily messages from God. Not saying he cannot do it or does not. But to think that because there is a pandemic that God is saying something specific beyond what he is always saying — “repent” — is little more than presumption. I cannot find evidence of such events in this era being that kind of prophetic warning.

Should we repent if we need to? (And we always do.) Of course. But what should we repent for? The sins of the evil age in which we live, or our own sins? I suggest it is the latter. Now I think the church has a lot to repent for. Seeking to gain political power to accomplish what only God can do in the lives of those who do not profess belief in Christ. Ignoring the poor, widow, orphan, and alien. Should I continue? We should repent for not living in obedience to the righteousness of God. For not bearing the image of God while we claim to be His ambassadors.

But from what I can see, for the most part the church is not seeing any actual call to repentance, but rather seeing a need to perfect the moral righteousness of the heathen without first leading them to faith in the God who calls for that righteousness. We are so quick to decry such backwards thinking within the church, but instead force it upon the heathen anyway.
Mike, I like everything you wrote here! But I also believe Nell has a good point regarding shaking and the uniqueness of the situation. How about this verse: "For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17 That's sobering . . .

To me the message is pretty clear - Christians (those who are called by My name) repent!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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