Originally Posted by OBW
BTW, presuming that Covid-19 might be orchestrated by God as a so-called "Great Awakening" seems problematic to me. The one true God sends a plague that attacks primarily the weakest and the elderly rather than the strong, and expects anyone other than a few tea-leaf readers to recognize it as coming from the God of the universe? The examples in the Bible were a direct hit on the people he wanted to reach, not to others, including the entire world that mostly does not recognize him as God.
If there is a wake-up call for the church, then why was the message sent a few doors down the street? I think this is more like continued proof of the fall. There is evil in the world and it periodically acts through other than evil men or the weather. Should we "return to God?" For any of his people that have strayed, then the answer is always "yes."
But this presumption of detailed sovereignty does not square with any teaching or example I can find in scripture. Could he do it? Surely. But did he? It appears out of character relative to the revelation of God I see.
As Nell said, the point is shaking. Everything that can be shaken will be and that is for our own good!
The book of Revelation is about two competing kingdoms - the kingdom of darkness/death and the kingdom of the Son of His love. Things will be fully manifested at the end as to what their source is. The fruit of the two trees must be fully developed, so all can see their result clearly. In love, He sends judgments for the purpose that all fruit of the bad tree will be shaken, so that many more will come to the unshakable True One (and that includes believers and those who don't).