Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
So you are crystal clear on the nature of the Triune God? I must say I am not, and have just put all that aside as one of those things He will show me when I'm ready and it's needed. Until then, I just tell myself, "If I could comprehend the nature of God, then He is not God and infinite." Accordingly I do not really know how to process things like the Son shall be called Father and "He that has seen me has seen the Father." (Isaiah 9:6 & John 14:9). Read plenty of things on this over the years, but no clear revelation as of yet.
So perhaps you have seen something more - can you help then?
Well, I have to say it's one thing to admit we may not be able to be crystal clear on the nature of the TG, but it's another to see all the verses in the New Testament that talk about the Son and the Father in ways that are undeniably distinct one from the other and yet take one verse from the OT to undo all that.
"I am in the Father" - two things can't be in each other if they are each other.
"I am in the bosom of the Father" - pretty hard to be in your own bosom.
"I don't do my will but the will of Him who sent me" - they have different wills!
I could go on and on, but it would just be more of the same.
As for John 14:9.....well.....Jesus is the image of the invisible God. God is invisible, but Jesus is His
image. So if you've seen Jesus, the image of God, you've seen God, because Jesus is His image.
As far as Isaiah 9:6 - this is not a question to challenge anyone, but a real question of curiosity. If the child in that verse "will be called...everlasting Father", then where do we see that fulfilled? Is there a record of Jesus being called "The Father" somewhere later on? I'm not aware of it, but it seems like if "the Son is the Father" is true, then this prophesy should be shown to be fulfilled somewhere.