Originally Posted by UntoHim
"There are some who say that He is called the Father, but He is not really the Father."
Notice how Witness Lee does not reference, by name, the "some who say that he is called the father, but He is not really the Father.". The only people who say that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is called the Father (as in God the Father) are documented heretics like the "Oneness Pentecostals" and Jehovah's Witnesses. People who teach such nonsense are properly named as heretics, so why should Witness Lee get away with making the same kind of heretical statement and escape the same label?
So you are crystal clear on the nature of the Triune God? I must say I am not, and have just put all that aside as one of those things He will show me when I'm ready and it's needed. Until then, I just tell myself, "If I could comprehend the nature of God, then He is not God and infinite." Accordingly I do not really know how to process things like the Son shall be called Father and "He that has seen me has seen the Father." (Isaiah 9:6 & John 14:9). Read plenty of things on this over the years, but no clear revelation as of yet.
So perhaps you have seen something more - can you help then?