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Old 04-21-2020, 08:20 AM   #25
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Explaining the Confusion

We shepherds intended to explain rumors that have arisen over the years regarding the local churches, the ministry, Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. We have not succeeded. Unintended confusion does occur from time to time, and we can explain.

The recent comments of Minoru Chen, while seemingly confusing, actually make perfect sense. Minoru doesn’t really believe what he has been saying. He was simply trying to conflate the working of the Holy Spirit with works of the “other” spirit. Minoru is confused and it got away from him.

As for the rumors you guys are repeating, yeah, I know, there really is factual basis that we were never able to disprove to rational, sober minded people. We confused you, but we were not wrong.

We regret the confusion we create by writing under a vague moniker rather than real names of real people. We acknowledge that it is possible for any Tom, Dick or Harry to usurp this moniker and there’s not a thing we can do about it. Sometimes we just need to remain anonymous and not be accountable for what we say. We feel this confusion is justifiable and nothing new…we are just following orders.

We have not succeeded in explaining all of the confusion. We have not fully explained any of it. In fact, the explanations we provided only serve to raise a whole new set of questions. In many ways, we are as confused as you are. However, we do believe that our confusion is at a higher level and about more important matters.

The cow-orkers
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