In order to complete the record on the events of Memorial Weekend 1977, this link includes an attached .pdf on this forum, with details of the “three holy sisters” non-incident. Benson Phillips spoke openly in 2005 about Jane Anderson and Sandee Rapoport and reaffirmed that “what he did was right.” His “facts” are confused and mostly wrong.
Matt and his mother continued researching the events and this is the record of what they found. Because of Benson’s false statement in 2005 many still believe what Benson said was true. It was not.
Most glaring is that, by testimony of Sandee and others who were in that meeting in 1977, Witness Lee never called out “three holy sisters” as Benson said. When these facts came to light, Benson was called out in writing by Matt Anderson about his false statements. And is his way Benson refused to respond to Matt’s letter, and thereby refusing to retract or apologize to Sandee or the churches who heard his false statements. To this day most believe Benson was telling the truth.
In fact, Lee sanctioned the activities of these 3 sisters up until the time that he publicly rebuked them for doing the very thing he had approved. He did not use the term “three holy sisters” (Phillip Lee used this term and Benson likely picked it up from Phillip) and he did not have them stand in that meeting for the purpose of public shaming. Benson spoke as though he was in that meeting and witnessed the whole thing. He was not. He was in Houston “dealing with” Jane Anderson.