Re: The Universal Government of God - Ron Kangas
Memorial Weekend, 1977 was a big one in Local Church/Witness Lee History. From the Bereans Forum, Matt Anderson posted this:
Matt Anderson 01-11-08 00:16
I am opening a new thread for this topic...
Quote from: Mr Smith (Post 337477)
With this reference to RG and BP, could this be what happened to Jane Carole Anderson? Having read The Thread of Gold, BP was not an elder in Houston at the time he took swift action against Jane. Was RG? Based on Hope's post what COULD have happened is BP heard a rumor based off a report and made a mountain out of a molehill. This is a hidden danger lurking in the LC's. Responsible brothers such as BP hear something and jump to conclusions thus overreacting without investigating the facts at hand. If the facts substantiate the report, then the actions are justified. If not, let's not be too prideful to say "I was wrong".
mr Smith
Matt's reply:
Mr. Smith,
I've been doing some reconsideration and ongoing "research" into the events of the weekend of Memorial Day Weekend 1977. This was the timing of Benson Phillips dealing with my mom.
I am discovering the following items that I plan to pin down and elaborate upon. I have instinctively felt that there was a plan being implemented on that weekend. I have some corroboration of this fact, but it is still speculative. I am trying to put together a picture of several things:
A. What was the movement of key leaders/elders on this weekend between localities.
B. What was the stated impetus behind why various leaders travelled to these various localities
C. Why have most LCer's only heard about Berkeley, CA when it appears that there was at least one other locality (Chicago, L) that had a major upheaval that was somewhat on par with Berkeley.
D. What was the effect of the events of the weekend as capitalized upon by Witness Lee. In other words, what did Witness Lee do in response to the events of the weekend.
E. Is it possible to look backwards and perceive that there was intent behind the events of the weekend and that it was not just spontaneous.
Here is what I am reconsidering:
1. Anaheim, CA = Witness Lee calls out the "Holy Sisters" in Anaheim
- John Ingalls was out of town in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Max Rapaport was out of town in Chicago, IL
- I am trying to determine who else were "elders/leaders" in Anaheim at this time
Primary Target of Action: Max Rapaport
2. Berkeley, CA = Big uprising by the young people that may have been instigated by others
- Some from San Diego were sent to Berkeley
- The eldership was being challenged
Primary Target of Action: Eldership in Berkeley, CA
3. Chicago, IL = Big uprising by the young people that was instigated partially by Max Rapaport
- Max Rapaport travelled to Chicago, IL and may have instigated the uprising
- I believe Don Rutledge also travelled to Chicago, IL to support Max not realizing what was going to occur.
- The eldership in the entire Midwest was being challenged
Important Note: No one ever heard about this uprising in other areas of the LC. Those in the Midwest knew about it, but it wasn't broadcast like the Berkeley affair. I don't think the two events were terribly different.
Possible Primary Target of Action: Titus Chu and Midwest Eldership
4. Houston, TX = Benson Phillips denounces Jane Anderson
- Benson Phillips denounces my mom
Note: In my opinion, this event is the least significant among all of the events. My mom was a "nobody". She had no connections to the "Holy Sisters" in Anaheim, CA. She had few connections outside of Texas.
5. Atlanta, GA = This is new and not completely confirmed yet.
- Bill Mallon was out of town in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- John Little travelled to Atlanta, GA where I have recently heard that something similar (but on a much smaller scale) happened as what was going on in Berkeley and Chicago
Primary Target of Action: Not Confirmed
Coincidence? All these "events" happened on the same weekend...Memorial Weekend, 1977?