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Old 04-11-2020, 12:17 PM   #50
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
What a wonderful testimony - thanks so much for posting!

So check this out - I have been asking the Lord to speak to me more loudly and clearly and that I could hear His speaking better. Then last night I had a dream in which a brother told me, "Keep your eyes on Jesus!" I woke up with that firmly in my head and thanked the Lord for His speaking. Then when listening to this video, the brother exhorted us to, "Keep your eyes upon Him - turn your eyes upon Jesus!"
Sweet. Thanks so much for sharing this, StG. I feel like I am in the Lords' chain mail to you. And, this word really resonates with me. (To keep our eyes trained on the Lord). I see and hear so many crazy conspiracy theories, so much wickedness flies about us, it is hard to discern what is real and what is nonsense......but my feeling is to not be concerned with it all, but be steadfast in looking away unto Him. My poor mother in law actually believes the virus was engineered in a lab for the purpose of murdering older people. That there are people in Congress who hate them and want them gone. It is all so mental. She needs Jesus! But rejects Him. May the Lord turn her heart.

I love Him, don't you? He is so good to answer prayer....I had a similar experience 2,3 years ago when I had been praying something similar....that He would speak to me in a way I would know for sure...I really wanted to be clear. I had prayed for that a few times when one day, the dog came in with poop stuck in his fur(a thick coated poodle) and I have all my little ones running around, and I couldn't find a tool that would help us, scissors and trimmers were too dull.....I was just filled with rising panic at the fear of my kids getting sick from contact....I was calling Him, Lord Jesus! and before His whole name was out of my mouth, He told me, 'Don't be afraid! I am not afraid.' It is so hard to explain how He conveyed this, it was as if it was written across my mind and I could see it. The amazing thing was the fear and panicky feeling simply evaporated. Immediately. He commanded it, then it just was given to me. What is neat is, in an academic setting or even in a personal setting, I really can only take and retain information when I read it. I can't simply hear it, I have to read it. So His response to me was so very what I needed. He is just awesome, brother!
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